Robert Bell's
Wines of Canada
Since 1992
People of Ontario

Gary Pillitteri and The family carretto

Henry of Pelham Family Estate Winery - Speck Bros

Marc and Anne Alton - Alton Farm Estate

Marc and Anne Alton - Alton Farm Estate

Bert Andrews - Scotch Block Winery
 Tony Aspler


Bemben family, Aleksander Estate Winery
From left to right: Lukasz, Izabela, Genny and Alex

Andrew and Christina Brooks

Anita and Steve Buehner
Bonnieheath Estate

Liberina (Betty) and Nick Colaneri

Barbara Honsberger Condotta

Durand family - Cornerfield Winery

Len and Marisa Crispino -Foreign Affairs Winery

Bruce Gamble/ Ann Sperling

Bambina Giannitti and Tommaso Conti - Villa Conti

Katie and Criag - Crimson Cider

Fred Diprofio

Sean - Jayne Douglas - Ridge Road Estate Winery

David Johnson and Louise Engel - Featherstone Estate Winery

Elaine and David Ferrier ~ Tallgrass Mead

Pasquale and Giacomo del Gayyo

John Fedorkow 2019 Grape King

JC Penne ~ Marilyn Field

Wendy and Kim Flintoft - Rush Creek Estate
Christina Flynn owner Greenlane Estates

Normand Hardie - photo credit- Vendemmia International Wines

Kate George, Chris Bartlett Bill George and Will George,
Watchfull Eye Winery -photo credit Rich VanSickle

Caroline Granger former President at The Grange of Prince Edward Vineyards and Estate Winery

The Hernder Family Fred & Ricki with Daughter Angel

Alma and Harvey Hollingshead-Erie Shore Vineyard, Ontario

John Howard

Andrew Jackson

David Johnson and Louise Engel, - Featherstone Estate

Frank - Liz Ihrig - Schatz Winery

Pauline Joicey ~ Redtail Vineyards

Wendy Hogarth - Murray Johnston ~ Muskoka Lake Winery

Scott and Maria Kirby -photo by Wines in Niagara

Frieda and Rick Lakeit - Caroline Cellars

Smokie Leblanc - Smokie Ridge Vineyard

Charles and Laura Lipnicki - Island Honey Wine Company

Catherine Langlois of Sandbanks Winery

Rob & Liz Harold and Joe & Tracey Schenck. King + Victoria Winery
 Andrea Lee - Winemaker

Adam Lowery - Cloudsley Wines

Rossanna Magnotta

Martin Malivoire

Sherry Karlo
_ Karlo Estate

John Neufeld - Palatine Hills Estate

Len Pennachetti

Charlotte and Phil Nickel, Founders of Hinterbrook Winery

Andrew Peller

John Peller
 Gary Pillitteri

Gary Pillitteri with the family carretto

Pillitteri Estates Winery ~ Family

Debi Pratt Media relations Constellations Canada

Marilyn and Bill Redelmeier
of Southbrook Winery

Bill Redelmeier
of Southbrook Winery

Klaus Reif

Ilya Senchuk

Nidia & Ilya Senchuk - Leaning Post

Sue Ann Staff Winemaker
/ Owner

Anton and Hildegard Sproll Trail Estate

Lynn and Dan Sullivan - Rosenhall Run

Mark Saunders and Angela Grant Saunders ~ Sanders Farms

Moray Tawse

Lydia Tomek - Winemaker

Melissa Marotta-Paolicelli /Angela Marotta
Two Sisters Vineyard ~ Niagara-on-the-Lake

Rene Van Ede

Chris Van de laar - Grape King

Ann and Murray Wilson, from Oxley Estate Winery!

Yannick and Greg Wertsch
~ Between the Lines Winery

Chris Haworth - Amy Robson West Ave Cider

Donald Ziraldo
Photo submissions welcome
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