Robert Bell's

Wines of Canada

Since 1992

People of Ontario


Gary Pillitteri and The family carretto
Gary Pillitteri  and The family carretto

Henry of Pelham Family Estate Winery - Speck Bros
Henry of Pelham Family Estate Winery - Speck Bros

Marc and Anne Alton - Alton Farm Estate
Marc and Anne Alton - Alton Farm Estate

Marc and Anne Alton - Alton Farm Estate

Bert Andrews - Scotch Block Winery
Bert Andrews - Scotch Block Winery

Tony Aspler
Tony Aspler


Thomas Bachelder

Bemben family, Aleksander Estate Winery
From left to right: Lukasz, Izabela, Genny and Alex
Bemben family, Aleksander Estate Winery
From left to right: Lukasz, Izabela, Genny and Alex

Andrew and Christina Brooks

Andrew and Christina Brooks

Anita and Steve Buehner 
Bonnieheath Estate
Anita and Steve Buehner
Bonnieheath Estate

Liberina (Betty) and Nick Colaneri
Liberina (Betty) and Nick Colaneri

Barbara Honsberger Condotta
Barbara Honsberger Condotta

Durand family - Cornerfield Winery
Durand family - Cornerfield Winery

Len and Marisa Crispino -Foreign Affairs Winery
Len and Marisa Crispino -Foreign Affairs Winery

Bruce Gamble/ Ann Sperling
Bruce Gamble/ Ann Sperling

Bambina Giannitti	and Tommaso Conti - Villa Conti
Bambina Giannitti and Tommaso Conti - Villa Conti

Katie and Criag - Crimson Cider
Katie and Criag - Crimson Cider

Fred Diprofio
Fred Diprofio

Sean - Jayne Douglas - Ridge Road Estate Winery
Sean - Jayne Douglas - Ridge Road Estate Winery

David Johnson and Louise Engel	- Featherstone Estate Winery
David Johnson and Louise Engel - Featherstone Estate Winery


Elaine and David Ferrier ~ Tallgrass Mead

Elaine and David Ferrier ~ Tallgrass Mead

Pasquale and Giacomo del Gayyo
Pasquale and Giacomo del Gayyo


John Fedorkow 2019 Grape King
John Fedorkow 2019 Grape King

JC Penne ~ Marilyn Field  Windrush Estate Winery
JC Penne ~ Marilyn Field

Wendy and Kim Flintoft
Wendy and Kim Flintoft - Rush Creek Estate

Christina Flynn owner Greenlane Estates

Christina Flynn owner Greenlane Estates

Normand Hardie 
Prince Edward County -Ontario
Normand Hardie - photo credit- Vendemmia International Wines

Kate George, Chris Bartlett Bill George and Will George, Watchfull Eye Winery
Kate George, Chris Bartlett Bill George and Will George, Watchfull Eye Winery -photo credit Rich VanSickle

Caroline Granger former President at The Grange of Prince Edward Vineyards and Estate Winery

The Hernder Family
The Hernder Family Fred & Ricki with Daughter Angel

Alma and Harvey Hollingshead-Erie Shore Vineyard, Ontario

John  Howard
John Howard

Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson

David Johnson and Louise Engel, - Featherstone Estate
David Johnson and Louise Engel, - Featherstone Estate

Frank - Liz Ihrig - Schatz Winery
Frank - Liz Ihrig - Schatz Winery

Pauline Joicey ~ Redtail Vineyards
Pauline Joicey ~ Redtail Vineyards

Wendy Hogarth - Murray Johnston ~ Muskoka Lake Winery
Wendy Hogarth - Murray Johnston ~ Muskoka Lake Winery

Scott and Maria Kirby -photo by Wines in Niagara
Scott and Maria Kirby -photo by Wines in Niagara

Frieda and Rick Lakeit - Caroline Cellars
Frieda and Rick Lakeit - Caroline Cellars

Smokie Leblanc
Smokie Leblanc - Smokie Ridge Vineyard

Charles and Laura Lipnicki - Island Honey Wine Company

Catherine Langlois of Sandbanks Winery

Rob & Liz Harold and Joe & Tracey Schenck. King + Victoria Winery
Rob & Liz Harold and Joe & Tracey Schenck. King + Victoria Winery

Andrea Lee - Winemaker
Andrea Lee - Winemaker

Adam Lowery - Cloudsley Wines
Adam Lowery - Cloudsley Wines

Rossanne Magnotta
Rossanna Magnotta

Martin Malivoire - Malivorie Winery
Martin Malivoire 

Sherry Karlo
Sherry Karlo _ Karlo Estate

John Neufeld - Palatine Hills Estate

John Neufeld - Palatine Hills Estate

Len Pennachetti
Len Pennachetti

Charlotte and Phil Nickel, Founders of Hinterbrook Winery
Charlotte and Phil Nickel, Founders of Hinterbrook Winery

Andrew Peller
Andrew Peller

John Peller
John Peller

Gary Pillitteri
Gary Pillitteri

Gary Pillitteri with the family carretto
Gary Pillitteri with the family carretto

Pillitteri Estates Winery ~ Family
Pillitteri Estates Winery ~ Family


Debi Pratt Media relations Constellations Canada
Debi Pratt Media relations Constellations Canada


Marilyn and Bill Redelmeier of Southbrook Winery

Bill Redelmeier of Southbrook Winery
Bill Redelmeier of Southbrook Winery

Klaus Reif

Klaus Reif

Ilya Senchuk

Ilya Senchuk

Leaning Post - Nidia & Ilya Senchuk
Nidia & Ilya Senchuk - Leaning Post

Sue Ann Staff Winemaker
Sue Ann Staff Winemaker / Owner

Anton and Hildegard Sproll Trail Estate

Lynn and Dan Sullivan - Rosenhall Run

Lynn and Dan Sullivan - Rosenhall Run

Mark Saunders and Angela Grant Saunders
Mark Saunders and Angela Grant Saunders ~ Sanders Farms

Moray Tawse
Moray Tawse

Lydia Tomek - Winemaker

Melissa Marotta-Paolicelli and Angela Marotta
Melissa Marotta-Paolicelli /Angela Marotta
Two Sisters Vineyard ~ Niagara-on-the-Lake

Rene Van Ede

Chris Vandelaar - Grape King
Chris Van de laar - Grape King

Ann and Murray Wilson, from Oxley Estate Winery!
Ann and Murray Wilson, from Oxley Estate Winery!

Yannick and Greg Wertsch ~ Between the Lines Winery

Yannick and Greg Wertsch ~ Between the Lines Winery

Chris Haworth
Chris Haworth - Amy Robson West Ave Cider

Donald Ziraldo
Donald Ziraldo


Photo submissions welcome


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