Robert Bell's

Wines of Canada

Since 1992

The British Columbia Lieutenant Governor’s Wine Awards

In 2018, the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, with support from the Government House Foundation, and The Okanagan Wine Festivals Society announced a new partnership in recognizing the best of British Columbia wines with the creation of the British Columbia Lieutenant Governor’s Wine Awards.

The British Columbia Lieutenant Governor’s Wine Awards replaced the Lieutenant Governor’s Awards for Excellence in B.C. Wine and the B.C. Wine Awards. The new competition is open to all licensed wineries in British Columbia, including fruit wines and mead. Bronze, silver and gold medals are awarded, with the top 1% of medal winners receiving the Lieutenant Governor’s platinum medal and with one wine receiving the Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Best Wine in British Columbia.

In 2021 one winery stood out both receiving three Platinum awards. East Kelowna Spearhead Winery. An amazing accomplishment.


Here are the there winning wines

SpearHead Winery – 2019 Pinot Noir Saddle Block
SpearHead Winery – 2019 Pinot Noir Cuveé
SpearHead Winery – 2019 Pinot Noir Golden Retreat

A gold was also awarded for their 2019 Riesling - Gold Medal

They also won two silver

2019 Pinot Noir Coyote
2019 Botrytis affected Late Harvest Riesling

Spearhead Winery is located on the benchlands of South East Kelowna. The winery opened in 2010 and is owned by Bill and Marina Knutson along with Bruce Hirtle/Vancouver; William Knutson/Vancouver. The vineyard and winemaking teams are led by Grant Stanley. Lisa Janzen is the Vineyard Manager.


Wineries of Canada

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